Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jac De Pokemon Deluge

today May 16, 2009 ... Nathalie Bucourt

Absent a few days I found more than a dozen mail-art my box ...

Here they are scanned and put online, the last to arrive, and I am pleasantly surprised to count more than 200 ....

Last year, with the call "from A to Z," we had received 167.
What a success!

This call on the books is now closed.
Thank you for your participation.

We expose these mail-art

the days Open association Letters & Images,
the Friday 26 and Saturday, June 27, 2009, from 14h to 19h ,
Workshop 5 rue de Mandava, Gradignan.

A second exhibition is scheduled to
CAYAC Church, in Gradignan,
of 2 to 6 September 2009 (14h-19h) ,
during the exhibition work workshops 2008/2009.

The catalog with the achievements and received the list of mailartistes will be sent to all participants in mid-June.

Laurence Bucourt


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