Saturday, November 20, 2010

Disney Princess Light Up Canopy For Bed

Pre-Program in January 2011 .... Can still move ... Save

9 th Meeting of Ecology at Quotidiendu January 21 to February 5, 2011

A Die (from 25 to 02) and in the Drome Valley

" Growing Humanity

Editorial: "We can not hope to solve a complex problem in terms of consciousness in which it was created."

Albert Einstein

Friday January 21, 2011 Eco- meetings

The Movie Die-Pestel

18h: Film

21h : Film

Saturday, January 22 Education for joy

La Roche sur Grane-26 - The Amanins

14h Conference-Debate "Educate to raise awareness"

Peloux Isabelle, Pierre Rabhi, Albert Jacquard, Philippe Meirieu

Crest - 26

Coffee Stop The Citizen-Public

Trade Workshop

16 pm Writing Workshop: "Growing Humanity

Salle des Acacias: "Valley of Transition"

19 h Diois-Drome Valley After-Oil.

Energy and Climate Crisis: the challenge for local initiatives

slideshow / discussion: Prepare for the post-oil

Cities Project Transition

Building a community solid, ready for post-oil ... ready to avoid catastrophic scenarios of empty shelves and the economy down.

Pierre Bertrand and Jeremy Light - Trièves After Oil

8:30 p.m. Soup Shared

Die-26 Pestel Cinema?

In Restaurant Tchaï Walla?

18h How to be an actor of biodiversity in everyday life?

Vincent Delbecque - Pharmacist Phytotherapist

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Montvendre-26 Art'Aime

Singing for Humanity Growing

Marie-Claude Ozanne


Location: Association Labelvie (04 75 21 75 47)

14h-16h Workshop Practice

five medicinal plants to treat his family.

Vincent Delbecque, pharmacist, herbalist

Die - The Movie Pestel ?

3:30 p.m. Animated Movies for Kids?

20h: Film

Monday, January 24 Solidarity Economy


At Bio-Vegetarian Restaurant Tchaï Walla 19h

8:30 p.m. Meals bio-inspired (reservations: 04 75 21 00 94)

Tchaï Walla 8 rue Joseph Reynaud - Die

* Start Meetings Ecology of daily

Multipurpose room Die - Balloon Bd *

Tuesday 25 January Education Living

14h Cooperative Games

A trip to the land of cooperative games for fun win or lose together. Authors games, games to make ...

Mary Wolf-Roy - Coop'Aire Games

17h Domopsychologie

19h: Lunch Bio all afternoon and evening Multipurpose room

Debate 8:30 p.m. Film 'TR'AMES "The Living Blanket Doris Buttignol

Wednesday January 26 Giving birth to Life

La Roche sur Grane - 26

10am to 12pm: Visit Central Agro-ecological "the Amanins" by Michel Valentin

12h Meals (reservations: 04 75 43 75 05)

2:30 p.m. Film / Discussion: What planet are we leaving our children?

Isabelle Peloux Director of School-The Colibri Amanins


10h Practices Workshops

10h 11h30: Workshop Colors - Emmanuelle Mounier

Children from 7 years, teenagers and adults - Neighborhood Cocause -
An invitation to talk and play with colors, painting spontaneously in a place dedicated to creative expression.

Games Relational Practices Workshops 10am

14h Meeting around a book :

Café Voltaire , rue Camille Buffardel Die

14h-17h Wednesday Ecology Youth

- 6 Practical Workshops:

- Organic Snack

17h For a birth without Violence Frederick Leboyer

is my child, that makes the child an object, like a refrigerator, a television, an automobile.

I'm his mother: Here is the woman, the mother who belongs to the child, she fills her desires. "The nursery is set as the train station. The woman laid her child to object. For the child is living abandoned every day. "

Local Resonance: Billy Françoise-René , educator of young children

8:30 p.m. Change the World: From Dream to Reality

Vahe Zartarian Researcher

"Why we want more things change, the more it remains same? Why change when there is, it takes us by surprise and in unexpected directions? How to continue to feed and dreams projected on the screen of physical reality? "

10:30 p.m. Evening Friendly

Thursday, January 27 Essential Water

9h to 16h: Youth Day

10h Permaculture

14h home gardens and water

14h Seed Swap Space

17h The unbearable truth Water - Jacques Collin "

The water in our life and our body is considered by science as one of the greatest scientific enigmas. It shows and built forms of every living. Poor drinking water up the body on land of disease and accelerated degeneration.

The Mystery of Water

Science considers water as one of the biggest riddle of the universe. The water influence and determine our health grounds. Its quality is at the base is the operation of all the body's metabolism. It will set out the latest water that puts people on a new scientific and ethical vision of the world. The water provides the answers in our daily lives.
8:00 p.m. "Water, Common Good of Humanity" - Danielle Mitterrand and Fondation France Libertés : For access to water becomes a right for all

Without clean water, no life or law human as possible. However, the situation is alarming: 1.5 billion people worldwide lack access to safe water and 2.6 billion are not connected to a sewerage system. More than 30 000 people die each day because of health problems related to water.

22.30 hours in Circle in

Voyager pace in different countries and connect the body pleasure and joy of the heart through the circle dance

Led by Catherine Set-Ronse

Friday, January 28, 2011 Give Meaning

9am to 11am: Workshop Practices

10h Create a healthy indoor environment - Eco-WILL nursing

9am to 11am: Workshops Trade

10am The Power of Water Jacques Collin

14h Cancer Prevention

17h Seeds Of Men and

To share the experience of seven years of travel in search of seeds and their improbable enduring ties with men .

Roman Dufayard Earth Seed Association

17h Geobiology & Feng-shui

two complementary approaches to harmonize your living space!
Dominique Pedoux, geobiologist Clerc and Gilbert Feng Shui practitioner
8:30 p.m. "Revive! "Corneau Guy Psychoanalyst

" The deeper meaning of disease at the physiological, psychological and spiritual. The cancer experience can become a door that opens onto the joy and rebirth interior. It represents an opportunity to evolve. "

Saturday, January 29 One Life to be born


12h Picnic festive market

front of the public arrest of Crest - 1 Rue de la Republique.

15h Workshop Exchange


10am The Permaculture - The abundance of nature with me!
A philosophy of life, a move!

What can permaculture project in my life, my place in my report to others in the world? What answers to today's problems?

Slideshow discussion - Veronica PELLÉ - Wild Delicacies - Turning nature's ally!

10am Workshop Practice

Baby Massage - Laure Grangier

Discovery of baby massage for parents
Learn to massage your baby by encouraging respectful communication of his needs-restricted Babies under 1 year
Laure Granger - Certified French Association of Infant Massage.

11:30 Inauguration festive market

12 Shared Meals market

soup and glass of the friendship offered by Ecology in Everyday

14h Table-Ronde/débat Aging with Marie of Hennezel : A life to be born in the world, Change the look of old age

Our company gives us a disastrous image of old age. Yet this inevitable aging does not condemn us to solitude, suffering, the forfeiture, or even dependence. We are all aging, but we can decide not to become "old."

Aging scares us. It's the heart that can help us overcome our fears and support us in the middle of the worst hardships of old age. Marie de Hennezel guides us towards a true "art of aging".

resonance zone: CLIC-GC26, Martine Chazelle

14h Practices Workshops:

16h 30 Table-ronde/débat Vive Democracy

Kempf, Journalist Michele Rivasi MEP

The ecological urgency compels us to design differently our relationship to democracy. The state of democracy is not up to the historic challenge posed by the crisis of the biosphere. We must find the path to a truly collective decision. Participatory democracy can not exist without a democratic economy.

resonance zone: Didier Jouve, Regional Council, Florence Alicot , CLD Vallée de la Drôme

Animated Films for 16h Children

Cinema Pestel-Die

16h-18h Workshops Practices

18h Inauguration chaired by

Instant Music

19h Buffet offered by Ecology in Biological Daily

21h Bal Folk Dancing with the Piano

Sunday, January 30 The Nature We

10am: Free Zone: Bring the items you want to give and take the ones you need.

10am The 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

For a daily charge with Recyclers Die, Grenoble and Dieulefit, Emmaus ...

10am Workshops Exchange: Kichwa

10am Workshop Trade Power for the Winter- Ljiliana Milosavljevic

14h Peace Education, Education Joy

Antonnela Verdiani Roberto Crema

14h Practices Workshops

- See and listen to nature

A walk to discover the tracks of wild animals, identify the signs of the presence of wildlife that we encounter without noticing.

LPO26 Helene Bernard and David Gilbert

- Laughter Yoga

14h farming, education by animals: Jocelyne Porcher

Research Fellow at INRA SAD-APT (INA-PG/Paris). His research focuses on the working relationship between farmers and animal husbandry and animal production. It engaged in the research process after breeder and agricultural technician.

3:30 p.m. Animated Films for Children

Cinema Pestel-Die?

17h Resistance Kichwa people of - Songs of Nature

Corinne Arnold

The Kichwa have decided to conduct a symbolic action by creating a protective belt of nature reserve with trees whose canopy is Flowers will soon cover: The Way of Flowers Frontier Life. "This path of flowers spoke in favor of preserving biodiversity, the cultural wealth of indigenous and gives emotion to one who is sad or sick. It is also a statement that the territory should be without oil and that the indigenous peoples are active in this century. "

20h "You said Nature? "Chantal Delacotte , geographer,

Fellow of the University, Professor of Higher Education, specializing in the approach to the environmental crisis and mental representations. Trying to solve the "environmental crisis" is to confront the ethical choices in relation to the "other" in non-human. It is by turning our gaze the discovery of other types of representations of the relationship between man and nature, not to imitate them - I'll never be a Native American Amazon - but to understand.

22h Candlelight Concert

Monday, January 31 Change Vision

Livestock and animal suffering Jocelyne Porcher

16h "Vultures" Jean-Pierre Choisy

The actions of the Egyptian vulture, as well as the reintroduction of the three major Vultures in Europe fit into the policies of conservation and restoration of European and national biodiversity. The relevant scale is much larger: the Alps and margins for the Vulture, at least the south-eastern France for Griffon Vulture and Black Vulture.

17h What role for wild ungulates in France?

Gilbert Cochet

Ungulates wild by their biomass, their impact on natural environments, their role as prey for large predators play a leading role in the functioning of ecosystems.

8:30 p.m. How to navigate in a chaotic world Bruno Marion

How to be agents of change, how can you see the world as it is, not as n is more? Understand our changing world and incorporating the latest scientific paradigm shifts daily.

Tuesday February 1 Connecting other

10 am meeting between therapists and Diois Crestois

10am Workshop Practice

Writing Workshop "Growing Humanity

Association Writing Life Change

14h Dispensary Care Natural

17h Looting of resources in Africa? wars in our notebooks.

Film discussion around coltan in Kivu, ore involved in the manufacture of mobile phones whose operation results in civil wars in the DRC.

Survival 7.26

8:30 p.m. Ecology Relational

Françoise Buisson, Brigitte Pinat Center Eco-Anthropology

Wednesday, February 2 Brighter

17h Circle Talk "Growing Humanity

19h Meal Closing offered by Ecology in Everyday

Dances 9:30 p.m. circle led by Catherine Set-Ronse

* End Encounters Ecology daily

Multipurpose room Die - Bd du Ballon *

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Friday, February 4

Saturday, February 5

Villard de Lans (38) at the Dome
14h-18h daily initiatives of the inhabitants of the Vercors in terms of practical ecology

Presentation "practice" of associations, groups and organizations.
Food and Health, Housing and energy consumption, Travel, ...
By Initiatives Vercors -

Saturday, February 12

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Unless otherwise noted, all actions take place in the municipal hall of Die.

Eco-Citizen Encounters in the year 2011

In partnership with local stakeholders: farms, associations, elected officials and local businesses

Saturday: Visit farms and eco-sites and Folk Dance evening

Sunday : Debate and discussion workshops

Morning: Presentation of the Bio-Valley and local

What are the needs of territories and their inhabitants?

Afternoon: Workshops and restitution

The 4 seasons of Ecology at the Daily

1 - Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30, 2011 to Die.

Encounters Ecology "Growing Humanity "

2 to 22 April 2011

" Earth Day and Biodiversity "in Vercheny

Saturday, April 23, 2001: Large Predators and politics. Farid Benhammou.

PhD in environmental sciences.

Make the great predators of the first threat of mountain pastoralism and objects "harmful" anti-green may well lead to policy decisions at the highest level deciding to seriously question the status of these species in biological precarious situation in France .

3 - June 2011

Kids Walk for the Earth and Peace

4 - October 2011

Eco-Building in the Bio-Valley

association "Ecology in Everyday Life" aims to educate residents on the impact of our daily actions on the environment, nature, health and society and to propose alternatives.

- After the conference, friendly exchange around the Bio-Bar

Food & Drinks biological daily at 12 am and 19 pm

- A twenty exhibitions are proposed in the hall and in different places of the territory.

- Art exhibitions:

Visits Exhibition for students school and high school-college Diois by Ecology in the LPO Quotidienet

- eco-tour sites:

- Space Children: games and drawings

- Space Relaxation and Wellness - On-site registration

- Space Thoughts Earthlings: Propose solutions for a better future in front of a camera.

- booksellers with Swing Crest, Yves Michel Edition, Silence and eco- Gateway.

- food and refreshment break organic, vegetarian and local

- Throughout the year:

- Upcoming David Gilbert-type LPO 04 75 22 07 51

- Roundtables / Debates -Ateliers/Animations/Formations

The event takes place, unless otherwise noted, the Multipurpose room , Bd Balloon Die (26).

Participation in Meetings of Ecology

- Check the plate workshops and visits to sites

- Access and free workshops for schools and students

- Participation allows free access to all meetings of Ecology.

- To come to meetings, consider using carpooling and Stop Participatory :

- For accommodation, contact the Tourist Office of Die:

0475220303 and:

and :

Accommodation available citizen.

Ecology in Everyday

DIE, Rhone-Alpes, France

The Chastel 26150 DIE

Tel: 04 75 21 00 56



Videos Encounters Ecology
film of 1.56 mn: http://www.terrealter .com / voir.php? id = 4 2009 Film
of 2.30 mn:


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