Tuesday, November 23, 2010

People With Antisocial Personality Disorder

The car will kill us all?

CO2 emissions will reach a record level in 2010

Des bouchons sur une autoroute proche de Pékin, en Chine, jeudi 2 août 2010.

Plugs on a highway near Beijing, China, Thursday, August 2, 2010. AFP PHOTO / Peter PARKS

ENVIRONMENT - Despite a decline in 2009 ...

emissions of carbon dioxide worldwide fell slightly in 2009 but is expected to reach record levels this year, especially because of the dynamism of Chinese and Indian economies, according to a study released by Global Carbon Project.

According to this international consortium of research organizations, C02 emissions in 2009 were 1.3% lower than 2008, because of the global financial crisis. However, the decline was twice smaller than had been expected a year ago.

The effect of lower financial crisis

"The real surprise is that we expected a larger decline, in terms of emissions produced by fossil fuels, due to financial crisis," says Pep Canadell, Director of Global Carbon Project and co-author of the study, published Monday in the latest issue of the journal Nature Geoscience .

Canadell further states that the new statistics and reduced decline in tropical forests show that emissions from deforestation have decreased and now represent 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, while Previous studies spoke of 12 to 17%.

emissions from fossil fuels are expected to increase by over 3% this year if economic growth remains in line with forecasts, said second Canadell.


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