Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adult Turtle Footed Pajamas

Wi-Fi everywhere, Danger everywhere ...

Trees victims of Wi-Fi?

Des arbres dans le parc de la tête d'or, à Lyon.

trees in the park at the head of gold, in Lyon. JEFF PACHOUD / AFP

ENVIRONMENT - According to a Dutch study, the waves would break down the leaves of trees ...

Dematerialization not save the environment. Trees are victims, according to Dutch researchers , the waves emitted by the Internet networks. They would damage their bark and leaves of dying trees exposed to radiation from Wi-Fi, reports the Daily Mail .

Concerns for human health

This study was commissioned by the city of Alphen aan den Rijn, where abnormalities in the trees, which could not be caused by a virus, has caused concern among residents. The researchers selected twenty ash and exposed them to radiation of different frequencies for three months. The leaves of trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi transmitters have gradually turned to a color "lead bright" due to the death of the upper layers of the leaf.

Further research should be conducted to confirm that the wireless waves are the cause of these anomalies. The Dutch study, which is discussed in the scientific community even before it was published, the resurgence is mainly concern about the impact of waves on human health. In 2007 a BBC documentary showed the presence of waves in a school equipped with Wi-Fi three times higher than those emitted by mobile phones.


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