Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pokemon Indigo Heatran

Cancun: Nothing new under the sun

The Cancun conference on climate" does not give anything, "said Lula

The UN conference on global warming Climate to Cancun (Mexico), "Nothing will give" in the absence of heads of state of major countries in the world, said Wednesday the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

"It does will give anything. No great leader there is, at best they are ministers of the environment, and we do not even know whether the foreign ministers will go; there will be no progress, "said Lula, who himself this week canceled his trip to Cancun.

The Brazilian president also lamented the reluctance of rich countries to finance the fight against deforestation Latin America, Asia or Africa.

"The financing proposal is very confusing," he lamented.

He however assured that Brazil would honor its commitments, without waiting for assistance or financing. South American giant has hired last year to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by 39% and Amazonian deforestation 80% from the forecast in 2020.

"We're keeping our commitments and we do not need a favor to meet them, we'll keep them because it is our duty," said Lula.

His government announced Wednesday that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had posted a record decline between August 2009 and July 2010, with 6451 km2 deforested, a reduction of 14% over the previous twelve months.

At this rate, Brazil could achieve its goal of reducing deforestation by 2015, five years earlier than expected, said the Minister Environment, Izabella Teixeira.

is estimated that deforestation causes 20% of global emissions of carbon dioxide, blamed for global warming.

Brazil is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases, largely because of deforestation.


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