Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting Nipple Periced

Remove your money from the BNP Paribas-

Greenpeace denounced the BNP's involvement in nuclear projects in India

Greenpeace activists have hung two banners on Monday morning with the slogan "BNP: stop investment radioactive", the BNP headquarters in Paris to denounce his involvement in financing nuclear projects on a seismic fault line in India.

"It's very complicated to evaluate a nuclear risk, especially as no nuclear plant has never experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 7, as might be the case in the area must be constructed the two EPR reactors in India French, "he told AFP Sophia Majnoni, responsible for nuclear campaigner for Greenpeace.

Activists and deployed two models of these engines on a seismic fault before the building of the bank. The latter involved partly to the proposed 7 billion euros, including framework agreements are being signed during the visit of President Nicolas Sarkozy India.

The project is expected to emerge in the region Jaitapur in the state of Maharahstra (west), where nearly 10,000 people resurface on Saturday, according to Greenpeace, and refused "derisory compensation that the state would pay for their ownership of their land. "

"BNP's first bank worldwide to support the nuclear industry by funding projects hazardous, must be full transparency on the use of money from its customers," said Sophia Majnoni. It recalled that this bank was also involved in a nuclear project in Brazil, where she "explores the financing of a nuclear reactor to meet the safety standards pre-Chernobyl".


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