Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jack Astors On Your Birthday 2010

Bio in the canteen: the health of our children ...

Say yes to organic in the canteen

organic meals in the canteen of a college of Montelimar, in November 2007. AFP PHOTO / FRED DUFOUR

CONSUMPTION - WWF wants to mobilize parents for school canteens offer more bio ...

"Yes to organic farming in my trunk!". The WWF campaign is distributed since Wednesday for a second season. By mobilizing parents , WWF hopes to put pressure on councils to ensure that schools are more bio on the menu. For the purpose of the Grenelle Environment, 20% bio in canteens in 2012, is still far from being achieved: Nathalie Kosciusko Morizet, Minister for Ecology felt that France is 3 or 4%, while Serge Orru, the Director General of WWF France, expects less than 2%.

The budget law could put into question the Grenelle

To agree on the figures, the first stage of the campaign will be a WWF survey, conducted by volunteer parents, to assess the true proportion of organic in canteens for children. A simple questionnaire will help identify the type of organic products offered, the frequency with which they are served and if the canteen is in direct control (managed by the local authority) or in-house licensed to a company.
Then, WWF will provide such letters to be sent to elected officials asking them to increase the share of bio . This will not however be easy, organic production in France is still inadequate relative to demand, forcing them to import a large part products : Organic agricultural area remains less than 3% of the French agricultural area. The objective of the Round Table, 6% in 2012, may be compromised by the Finance Act 2011: the tax credit on income to farmers converting to organic farming was halved, from 4,000 to 2,000 euros.


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