Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spotty Bum After Using Veet

The sun also lives

A massive eruption engulfed half of the Sun

Created on 14.12.10 at 1:29 - Updated 14.12.10 at 1:29
Une éruption solaire filmée par la sonde STEREO

A solar flare captured by the probe STEREO NASA

SPACE - The observation, made last summer by NASA, calls into question the initial design of the phenomenon ...

It better not be near the Sun on 1 August. An eruption observed by double probe STEREO engulfed his entire hemisphere. A titanic scale, so that scientists previously thought that such phenomena were limited to specific areas.

"The explosions of the Sun are not isolated. Solar activity is interconnected by magnetism over distances breathtaking. Solar storm, tsunami, coronal mass ejection ... Everything can be triggered at the same time on hundreds of thousands of kilometers, "said the NASA on Monday.

The agency believes that with this new model, the work of meteorologists becomes more complicated, but that eventually, the forecast could be more accurate.



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