Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Fantasy 1 Vba Cheats

Decolonization did Jamis held ...

Françafrique: Visit the African turf of France

How Françafrique show? The bet is always bold. Director Patrick Benquet it tries Thursday night on France 2, "Franco, fifty years under the seal of secrecy." With beads and a few shots, the overview will delight novices, but could also disappoint the specialist MSc barbouzeries mainland. The

director Patrick Benquet seems rather to belong to the first category, while his historical advisor, Antoine Glaser, editor of La Lettre du Continent , is undoubtedly part of the second. The horses managed to produce two films 80 minutes well articulated, where the historical continuity of certain practices illegal is cleverly put into images.

While it is the secular world, viewers will delight episodes highlighted the period since independence. the death of the opponent Cameroon Felix Moumie (poisoned by a reservist ESDP (Service outside materials and cons-espionage) in Geneva in 1961), for example, helps to explain how far the republic was prepared to go to protect its interests.

Again, experts will learn nothing, but the story by Maurice Delaunay, a prominent member of the clan of Gabon and the secret services, is worth its weight in cynicism. (See video)

If the viewer is already initiated the play of masks and African politics, we note in the first part, entitled "The Reason of State":

  • 's admission Maurice Delaunay (Ambassador to Gabon, then part of Elf) about the assassination of Moumie: "It There are times when politics comes before morality. "He
  • Albin Chalandon (CEO of Elf from 1977 to 1983) about the Congolese Sassou regime I, when Marxist:" Better to have a stable regime that communistic regimes like we had after - Republicans, modeled on our Republic, our bad political methods, which were always reversed. It worst of all for industry. "
  • The detailed narrative of Pierre Marion, the DGSE (1981-1982), who despite the" purge "of some thirty agents in the service will fail to eradicate the influence of networks Foccart

How Elf financed candidate's campaign Mitterrand

In the second part of the documentary, "The Silver King", the viewer can dwell on the testimony of Laurence Soudet (one of the closest collaborators of Francis Mitterrand) tells how, when the presidential election of 1965, it fetched at the headquarters of the Elf "Bag" of tickets to fund the election of the socialist candidate. Exercise regularly repeated until the victory of 1981. (See video )

In this second part of the film, which airs Thursday, December 16, fans will also enjoy:

  • The rantings of Robert Bourgi , counsel matchmaker Heads African heads of state, explaining how El Hadj Omar Bongo (client) sends in 2002 to Jacques Chirac's personal selection for the future Raffarin government.
  • The story outraged Jacques Sales , former head of the DGSE in Libreville, which tells the turpitude of Bernard Kouchner, Bongo paid for a report to the tune of "140 page 000 to say that the health system does not work in Gabon" said that the French Development Agency would have done for free ...

Navigant between episodes already known and some rare gems, the film still fails to give meaning to what is called Françafrique: the stranglehold the both military, legal and economic of France on his turf Africa. A presence that continues well after independence years 60 and thanks to the influence of illegal action.

On this last point, let us remember the famous observation that networks Foccart, transformed but still very active, have a bright future ahead of them. One thing on which Antoine Glaser sometimes varied. The point of the film is the current president of the French Republic "the salesman attentive large industrial groups," a conclusion that may seem a bit unique.


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