Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Much Do A Football Visor Cost

Events Natural disasters become unconscious when humans are

Natural disasters do they wear their name wrong?

Un homme marche dans un camping inondé à la Faute-sur-Mer, après le passage de la tempête Xynthia, le 28 février 2010
A man walks into a flooded campsite at the Sin-sur-Mer, in the aftermath of the storm Xynthia, February 28, 2010 Frank Perry AFP / File

DOCUMENTARY - "Disasters (not if) natural "human error and retraces the legislative loopholes that have exacerbated the losses ...

Malpasset Vaison la Romaine, La Faute sur Mer Since 1959, the scenario repeats itself: a climate event followed by an extraordinary human disaster. But is it the fault to be attributed entirely to nature? If climate change causes the phenomena of an intensity of more and stronger human errors are responsible. This is what Francis wanted to illustrate in Rabaté documentary disasters (not so) natural broadcast Wednesday on Channel Planet at 20:40.

The right to change behavior

Building permits granted without taking into account the risks of flooding, storm or flood, the dikes too small to contain a raging sea, the documentary illuminates the legislative loopholes that allowed the disaster happening again. "Despite the vote of many texts, urbanization, land pressure, the temptation to build social housing, shopping centers and public facilities in areas where land was cheaper, have continued to increase the number people concerned, "said Corinne Lepage , whose documentary follows the journey of a lawyer specializing in the environment. With her husband Christian
Huglo, the former environment minister pleads today in defense of victims, including those of the storm Xynthia, and for a better consideration of the precautionary principle. "The law is a powerful lever to move the behavior and is essential for redress. The exemplary nature of the trial is important because it forces players to change their behavior, "said the lawyer.

The lack of anticipation created human tragedies

But the law is often too late: "The law and regulation have often proceeded by fits and starts, disaster after disaster, each new regulatory response a disaster unprecedented in its kind or its importance, "said Francois Rabaté, director of the documentary. Anticipate difficulty in pushing the victims to find the guilty side of government.
In France, nearly five million people, or 7% of the population living or working in areas at risk. With a higher frequency of extreme weather events, the entire French planning that should be redesigned to avoid further tragedies. Beginning with Paris, where the predictable yet centennial flood of the Seine could, if it happened again, engulf coastal suburbs.


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