Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Build A Tech Dech Onlin

The state endangers renewable energy

Photovoltaics: the cry of alarm from sixteen agencies

ENERGY - France "must not become the land of sun, worried sixteen associations that come to challenge the government on the future of the industry ...

Sixteen organizations, the Foundation Nicolas Hulot the Union Renewable Energy (SRE), have sounded the alarm Monday about the future of the photovoltaic sector, warning that "France must not become the land of the setting sun. "
"Fifteen days later, if nothing changes, 25,000 jobs were created in the wake of a major economic and ecological disruption - the Grenelle Environment - will be jeopardized, several thousands will be removed in the very short term, "they argue in a statement.
"The government wanted to legally regulate and supervise the public cost of development of solar photovoltaics. But the current draft is in grave danger a nascent industry with growing pains, real, deserved special treatment, "says the texte.Il a week ago, Prime Minister Francois Fillon has introduced new rules to govern Development of photovoltaics in France before March 9, at the end of the moratorium decided in early December.
He had been launched to calm the excitement around this new energy developed, he said, through "signs of poor quality" imported from China, "in urban environmental conditions and very rudimentary." For the rest, Fillon pledged to at least triple by the end of 2012, the production capacity of the French fleet of solar panels while announcing a 20% reduction in tariff of electricity Sun.
"The lack of vision of the extraordinary potential of solar energy and industry of our country may lead to heavy decisions, "write the WWF Enerplan (PV sector companies) or the Liaison Committee of renewable energy ( Cler). "We solemnly urge the Government to reaffirm its ambitions for the sector in a constructive direction in amending the draft text during its consideration by the Higher Council of Energy on March 2nd, and opening soon, in the spirit of the Grenelle Environment Forum, a site of a "plan solar photovoltaic" ambitious and beneficial for all. "


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