Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hot Spot In The Back Of My Thigh

What have we done to us?

I come into contact with people in the newspapers, I will not let me upset by them, I submit my article, get my money, the worst articles ever written!, I shall, I am glad to have nothing to do with the editors, one acquires a field, a piece of country, we toured this piece of country can not take someone with you, we isolate ourselves, we follow his path, is described his little circle, destroy everything, delete, make void, saliva in the faces of curious, no communication, no discoveries that are made to communicate, now they have to more benchmark for the limits: one student with a high wall, we built higher and higher, pushing the construction of this wall, he sacrificed everything, sacrifices himself in the end itself, the idea , the wall has become so high that no longer have any relationship

I spent my money, I stir the powdered milk in my bowl, hidden in the bathroom, I stir and I walk in the middle of my thoughts of suicide as in an exotic garden, I add powdered milk, eats with a spoon, I walk in the garden, I share with my guts dog, I walk the garden without me fix guts: in summer the smell is unbearable, I went through the garden with exotic plants,

I spread my atlas in front of me and spend the evening hours, sometimes the college professor myself Top deals: very high, from where one can not exclude anything where the die is cast, in terms of the highest of all, he speaks as if I were a dog of mind, then he takes that sound ridiculously whining that the put at my dog, the canine level, at the most lowest of all, according to the nature

do you know what that means when the electric heat is killing us?, you do not know?, I heard some previous speakers, but I can tell you that Electric heat is killing us all, I'm on my way, my endless journey, I went on my endless journey, my endless way convince me that it is endless, I go into nature, and I see that it serves nothing, I must emphasize of nature, on average half a million thoughts in one hour of the afternoon, I make an effort to reach the remote, I always before me this far and the highest heights, but the proximity efface, efface the deep, distant victim of boundless victim of near limitless, beyond all shadows and across all humiliation, I suffer my father, my mother, my friends, this crazy idea of community life, this crazy thought of innombrabilités, and yet it is a crime to start anything, everything is a lie, every comma is a lie everything is nothing but a gossip scary, a trifle, a meanness, a humiliation for me, but I cling to these few thoughts, and each letter is important and the perception of brutality,

a thunderstorm, and pushes me into a house, fear of the signal prevents me from sleeping, fear of expression scary, I invented , we leave the luggage: we have a first class compartment, we travel by sleeper train, we train all to ourselves, we drew the curtains so that no one will stain, so that no We thought not dirty, so as not to be sullied by the whole country: the dirt of the world does not

spend ten thousand border pass ten thousand checks, passport without silly expressions, straightforward, with only our goal, our father and our mother, we are not punished: all names were too distant from us, we left behind us , what, where?, us, what have we done to us, death, with his self-consciousness, comes

(Thomas Bernhard)


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