Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Hook Up Marine Stereo

The disappearance of species ahead

Cougars officially disappeared

BIODIVERSITY - The Cougar is the U.S. has been officially declared Wednesday off ...

The cougar, also called cougar in the United States, was on the endangered species list since 1973 but its disappearance was suspected for a long time. It has been said on Wednesday officially extinct by the United States, its extinction probably dating to the 1930s.

Cats observed recently are not cougars

Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife ( U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ) reviewed all available information and concluded Wednesday that the puma is the U.S. was effectively extinguished. They recommended that its subspecies are not on the list of animals threatened with extinction. According to Mark McColough, the main scientific services, extinction probably would date from the 1930s.
"We recognize that many people say they have seen cougars in the wild in recent decades, but we do not think these cats are cougars in the eastern U.S. and we found no information that confirms its existence, "said Martin Miller in a statement, the head of the north-eastern department of endangered species. Pumas wild
observed by the various witnesses belonged to other sub-species, often from South America, who were in captivity and would have escaped or been released into the wild. Others belonged to the subspecies of the American West and have migrated to the East and Midwest, "said Martin Miller.
The federal decision to declare the American puma is off does not affect the status of the Florida panther (Southeast), another subspecies of cats on the list of threatened animals. While this was once a panther habitat that stretched across the south-east, it occupies less than 5% of its historical territory. Its population has only 120 to 160 animals in southwest Florida, according to U.S. services for fisheries and wildlife.


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