Friday, December 31, 2010

Burping Nausea For Days

in my campaign ;-) Robert

is the fault of Italy, the sun, olive oil, white wine, mosaics in the churches of Baroque paintings, gardens in bloom, pollen in the air, reflections in the hair of Reuben, the smile of Marius, eyes Mister Wood ...
This this evening will bling in the country e here too!

I hope you finish the year
well supported!
you soon in 2011!
Love love, love!

Futures mittens Bling Bling TUT 22 rue by Faustina

Gift Father's No. ;-)

Bling Bling Vest Herringbone the Carrousel for large as well, thanks Mary!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mini Stroke Dizziness

Made in UK!

Marius dreamed of a trophy deer ... and knowing his passion for the Kingdom of His Majesty I contacted Poppy in November asking for a Robert Made in UK for Christmas!

Marius was delighted by opening his pack! He wanted to install the trophy in his room now! He repeated at least one pfffffoulala impressive number of times, "it's great, it is too good!"
And yes, his trophies, Poppy the factory with so much attention and talent!

She is The Queen, and it's his birthday today! Happy Birthday Poppy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bridal Gowns Stores In Spadina

car kills

Paris: polluting cars will no longer be welcome

Day international city without cars, September 22, 2004 in Paris. AFP PHOTO PHILIPPE Desmaz

PLANET - Some traffic restrictions will be tested against the old diesels and 4x4 ...

polluting cars are a stay in Paris. Capital and four other French cities (Lyon, Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand Aix-en-Provence), were selected by the Ministry of Environment to test soon the Zapa (area of priority actions for air), or ban on movement of the most polluting vehicles in some places of the city , reported Wednesday Le Parisien.
In Focus: old diesel big sedans, 4x4 ... but also trucks. Previously, he should determine what areas will be "anti-polluting cars," inside the device holding the rope, because it might as well be areas (peripheral, highways). Different scenarios will be studied during 2011 for implementation in mid-2012, the newspaper said.
Filtering vehicles, it will be done through a button automatically controlled by video surveillance systems. This government initiative comes in any case far behind other major European capitals like London, Berlin or Rome who have successfully applied (20 to 30% lower emissions in Berlin) for already several years

Monday, December 20, 2010

Green Carpet Curtains

Fighting for the forests, is fighting for life

Russia: From the fight for the forest to fight for democracy

The environmental activist Evgenia Chirikov, November 10, 2010, in Forest Khimki, Russia. Mikhail Metzel / AP / SIPA

ENVIRONMENT - Environmentalists Russians do not give up before the decision to pass a highway in the forest ... Khimki

Months that environmental activists are fighting for avoid destruction of the forest of Khimki, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The highway project linking the two cities will yet through the forest: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev confirmed the route Tuesday, claiming to have examined all possible alternatives. In late August, the project had been suspended to conduct a public consultation which, according to opponents of the project was not conducted fairly and democratically.

Indifference Medvedev "to the people, law and corruption"

Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov has nice announce that the Government will spend four billion rubles (97 million euros) to limit the consequences of construction of this highway on the environment, environmentalists do not expect to leave: the mobilization now going on a field more politically and environmentally. "We will continue our struggle Said Eugenia Chirikov, environmental activist who led the protest movement. In addition, we will now internationally: we have already received support from Stuttgart, Belgium and France. A major campaign is being waged against the participation of the French group Vinci highway project. " Eugenia
Chirikov also felt that the decision taken by the Kremlin showed the indifference of President Medvedev "to the people, law and corruption." The adversarial promised by the president turned into a "semblance of consultation" as Alexei Prokopiev, French support for Russian activists. "Putin did not execute the order given by Medvedev, people who had heard all interest in the highway is done, there is a fairly serious democratic deficit," says Alexei Prokopiev.

Lobby French and European players

The French group Vinci, the highway concessionaire , is in the crosshairs of French support to militant Russian. "Several European players, including da Vinci and the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) which funds the project, welcomed this move will. Now we must focus on them, telling them Vinci could not do that in Europe and the EBRD that its role is to respect democracy, not to take advantage of its flaws, "says Alexei Prokopiev.
In France, a "flash mob" was held Friday in Paris , while ecologists are calling for Russian a demonstration in Moscow on December 31 . "The fight for the forest has become a struggle for democracy," says Alexei Prokopiev.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jack Astors On Your Birthday 2010

Bio in the canteen: the health of our children ...

Say yes to organic in the canteen

organic meals in the canteen of a college of Montelimar, in November 2007. AFP PHOTO / FRED DUFOUR

CONSUMPTION - WWF wants to mobilize parents for school canteens offer more bio ...

"Yes to organic farming in my trunk!". The WWF campaign is distributed since Wednesday for a second season. By mobilizing parents , WWF hopes to put pressure on councils to ensure that schools are more bio on the menu. For the purpose of the Grenelle Environment, 20% bio in canteens in 2012, is still far from being achieved: Nathalie Kosciusko Morizet, Minister for Ecology felt that France is 3 or 4%, while Serge Orru, the Director General of WWF France, expects less than 2%.

The budget law could put into question the Grenelle

To agree on the figures, the first stage of the campaign will be a WWF survey, conducted by volunteer parents, to assess the true proportion of organic in canteens for children. A simple questionnaire will help identify the type of organic products offered, the frequency with which they are served and if the canteen is in direct control (managed by the local authority) or in-house licensed to a company.
Then, WWF will provide such letters to be sent to elected officials asking them to increase the share of bio . This will not however be easy, organic production in France is still inadequate relative to demand, forcing them to import a large part products : Organic agricultural area remains less than 3% of the French agricultural area. The objective of the Round Table, 6% in 2012, may be compromised by the Finance Act 2011: the tax credit on income to farmers converting to organic farming was halved, from 4,000 to 2,000 euros.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Much Do A Football Visor Cost

Events Natural disasters become unconscious when humans are

Natural disasters do they wear their name wrong?

Un homme marche dans un camping inondé à la Faute-sur-Mer, après le passage de la tempête Xynthia, le 28 février 2010
A man walks into a flooded campsite at the Sin-sur-Mer, in the aftermath of the storm Xynthia, February 28, 2010 Frank Perry AFP / File

DOCUMENTARY - "Disasters (not if) natural "human error and retraces the legislative loopholes that have exacerbated the losses ...

Malpasset Vaison la Romaine, La Faute sur Mer Since 1959, the scenario repeats itself: a climate event followed by an extraordinary human disaster. But is it the fault to be attributed entirely to nature? If climate change causes the phenomena of an intensity of more and stronger human errors are responsible. This is what Francis wanted to illustrate in Rabaté documentary disasters (not so) natural broadcast Wednesday on Channel Planet at 20:40.

The right to change behavior

Building permits granted without taking into account the risks of flooding, storm or flood, the dikes too small to contain a raging sea, the documentary illuminates the legislative loopholes that allowed the disaster happening again. "Despite the vote of many texts, urbanization, land pressure, the temptation to build social housing, shopping centers and public facilities in areas where land was cheaper, have continued to increase the number people concerned, "said Corinne Lepage , whose documentary follows the journey of a lawyer specializing in the environment. With her husband Christian
Huglo, the former environment minister pleads today in defense of victims, including those of the storm Xynthia, and for a better consideration of the precautionary principle. "The law is a powerful lever to move the behavior and is essential for redress. The exemplary nature of the trial is important because it forces players to change their behavior, "said the lawyer.

The lack of anticipation created human tragedies

But the law is often too late: "The law and regulation have often proceeded by fits and starts, disaster after disaster, each new regulatory response a disaster unprecedented in its kind or its importance, "said Francois Rabaté, director of the documentary. Anticipate difficulty in pushing the victims to find the guilty side of government.
In France, nearly five million people, or 7% of the population living or working in areas at risk. With a higher frequency of extreme weather events, the entire French planning that should be redesigned to avoid further tragedies. Beginning with Paris, where the predictable yet centennial flood of the Seine could, if it happened again, engulf coastal suburbs.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spotty Bum After Using Veet

The sun also lives

A massive eruption engulfed half of the Sun

Created on 14.12.10 at 1:29 - Updated 14.12.10 at 1:29
Une éruption solaire filmée par la sonde STEREO

A solar flare captured by the probe STEREO NASA

SPACE - The observation, made last summer by NASA, calls into question the initial design of the phenomenon ...

It better not be near the Sun on 1 August. An eruption observed by double probe STEREO engulfed his entire hemisphere. A titanic scale, so that scientists previously thought that such phenomena were limited to specific areas.

"The explosions of the Sun are not isolated. Solar activity is interconnected by magnetism over distances breathtaking. Solar storm, tsunami, coronal mass ejection ... Everything can be triggered at the same time on hundreds of thousands of kilometers, "said the NASA on Monday.

The agency believes that with this new model, the work of meteorologists becomes more complicated, but that eventually, the forecast could be more accurate.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Fantasy 1 Vba Cheats

Decolonization did Jamis held ...

Françafrique: Visit the African turf of France

How Françafrique show? The bet is always bold. Director Patrick Benquet it tries Thursday night on France 2, "Franco, fifty years under the seal of secrecy." With beads and a few shots, the overview will delight novices, but could also disappoint the specialist MSc barbouzeries mainland. The

director Patrick Benquet seems rather to belong to the first category, while his historical advisor, Antoine Glaser, editor of La Lettre du Continent , is undoubtedly part of the second. The horses managed to produce two films 80 minutes well articulated, where the historical continuity of certain practices illegal is cleverly put into images.

While it is the secular world, viewers will delight episodes highlighted the period since independence. the death of the opponent Cameroon Felix Moumie (poisoned by a reservist ESDP (Service outside materials and cons-espionage) in Geneva in 1961), for example, helps to explain how far the republic was prepared to go to protect its interests.

Again, experts will learn nothing, but the story by Maurice Delaunay, a prominent member of the clan of Gabon and the secret services, is worth its weight in cynicism. (See video)

If the viewer is already initiated the play of masks and African politics, we note in the first part, entitled "The Reason of State":

  • 's admission Maurice Delaunay (Ambassador to Gabon, then part of Elf) about the assassination of Moumie: "It There are times when politics comes before morality. "He
  • Albin Chalandon (CEO of Elf from 1977 to 1983) about the Congolese Sassou regime I, when Marxist:" Better to have a stable regime that communistic regimes like we had after - Republicans, modeled on our Republic, our bad political methods, which were always reversed. It worst of all for industry. "
  • The detailed narrative of Pierre Marion, the DGSE (1981-1982), who despite the" purge "of some thirty agents in the service will fail to eradicate the influence of networks Foccart

How Elf financed candidate's campaign Mitterrand

In the second part of the documentary, "The Silver King", the viewer can dwell on the testimony of Laurence Soudet (one of the closest collaborators of Francis Mitterrand) tells how, when the presidential election of 1965, it fetched at the headquarters of the Elf "Bag" of tickets to fund the election of the socialist candidate. Exercise regularly repeated until the victory of 1981. (See video )

In this second part of the film, which airs Thursday, December 16, fans will also enjoy:

  • The rantings of Robert Bourgi , counsel matchmaker Heads African heads of state, explaining how El Hadj Omar Bongo (client) sends in 2002 to Jacques Chirac's personal selection for the future Raffarin government.
  • The story outraged Jacques Sales , former head of the DGSE in Libreville, which tells the turpitude of Bernard Kouchner, Bongo paid for a report to the tune of "140 page 000 to say that the health system does not work in Gabon" said that the French Development Agency would have done for free ...

Navigant between episodes already known and some rare gems, the film still fails to give meaning to what is called Françafrique: the stranglehold the both military, legal and economic of France on his turf Africa. A presence that continues well after independence years 60 and thanks to the influence of illegal action.

On this last point, let us remember the famous observation that networks Foccart, transformed but still very active, have a bright future ahead of them. One thing on which Antoine Glaser sometimes varied. The point of the film is the current president of the French Republic "the salesman attentive large industrial groups," a conclusion that may seem a bit unique.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Asthma Turn Into Copd

The state is still involved in the extinction of bees

Bees: the Ministry of Agriculture renew the authorization of the Cruiser

The Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday the one-year renewal of the authorization of the insecticide Cruiser, whose removal is sought by beekeepers and associations defending the environment, because of the consequences on bees.

Minister of Agriculture announced in a statement that parallel the use of "coated seed" - that is the case in maize seeds that are "embedded" Cruiser - would now be taken into account from 2011 in terms Ecophyto 2018.

This program aims to reduce the use of pesticides by 50% within 10 years (2018) "if possible".

The Ministry of Agriculture also said that the draft supplementary budget for 2010, under discussion in Parliament, plans to expand the pelleted seed the royalty "to diffuse pollution" (article L. 213 - 10-8 of the Code of Environment).

Cruiser's authorization renewed for the 2010-2011 campaign "follows the favorable opinion of the National Health Security (handles) of 15 October 2010 that the use of this insecticide on corn does not present any risk to the environment, "explains the ministry said in a statement.

The Cruiser is manufactured by the Swiss company Syngenta.

Beekeepers associations and environmental groups believe that pesticides are largely responsible for the excess mortality of bees. Professionals have been fighting for years for the withdrawal of néocotinoïdes (Gaucho, Cruiser, Proteus ...) market, used in seed coating or spraying.

MEPs called on November 25 the Commission to support independent research on bee mortality and ensure the publication all information on the effects of GM crops and pesticides on some species of bees.

The European Parliament has also suggested a revision of regulations on pesticides and plant protection products to allow evaluation of risks related to exposure to these substances of the bees.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting Nipple Periced

Remove your money from the BNP Paribas-

Greenpeace denounced the BNP's involvement in nuclear projects in India

Greenpeace activists have hung two banners on Monday morning with the slogan "BNP: stop investment radioactive", the BNP headquarters in Paris to denounce his involvement in financing nuclear projects on a seismic fault line in India.

"It's very complicated to evaluate a nuclear risk, especially as no nuclear plant has never experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 7, as might be the case in the area must be constructed the two EPR reactors in India French, "he told AFP Sophia Majnoni, responsible for nuclear campaigner for Greenpeace.

Activists and deployed two models of these engines on a seismic fault before the building of the bank. The latter involved partly to the proposed 7 billion euros, including framework agreements are being signed during the visit of President Nicolas Sarkozy India.

The project is expected to emerge in the region Jaitapur in the state of Maharahstra (west), where nearly 10,000 people resurface on Saturday, according to Greenpeace, and refused "derisory compensation that the state would pay for their ownership of their land. "

"BNP's first bank worldwide to support the nuclear industry by funding projects hazardous, must be full transparency on the use of money from its customers," said Sophia Majnoni. It recalled that this bank was also involved in a nuclear project in Brazil, where she "explores the financing of a nuclear reactor to meet the safety standards pre-Chernobyl".

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is Ice Cream Bad For Upset Tummy

Protect Forest ... everywhere

Mexico: Zapotec community frees itself by protecting the forest

The forest is the treasure of the small community of Ixtlan de Juarez, on the grounds of the old Zapotec ethnicity, near Oaxaca in southeastern Mexico, where she helps to fight against both poverty and global warming.

This treasure, they have defended more than twenty years, against a state enterprise in which they disputed property.

Today they live, and while the UN conference on global warming is meeting in Cancun at the southeastern tip of the country, the federal government considers their management the forest as a model not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also poverty.

In a large sawmill on the edge of the forest of Oaxaca, men and women on treadmills install logs to be debited.

"Caring for the forest is a priority for our community because it is she who provides employment to most of us," said Julio Gomez Garcia, in charge of machinery.

The community of Ixtlan de Juarez is headed by a committee of 390 members which makes its decisions to manage six votes to companies related to woodworking, from transport to the cabinet, and operate small eco- hotels. The package provides 300 direct jobs and 2,000 others in an area of 5,000 inhabitants, and reduces dependence on public assistance, provided in the form of grants.

Thirty percent of the approximately $ 600,000 of annual profit is spent on forest protection, including protection against fire.

community reinvest a further 30% in the conduct of its business, and the remaining staff in the form of pensions and loans at preferential rates.

course, the timber industry involves the felling of trees, but the community control, as it organizes the planting of thousands of new shoots each year to maintain forest cover over an area of 20,000 hectares.

This community forest management would be more effective than any other initiative against deforestation, including the delineation of protected areas, international forestry experts say.

"Older trees do not produce more oxygen, no longer serve to sequester carbon, why it takes young people," said Chairman of the Committee of Ixtlan de Juarez, Pedro Perez Torres.

Carbon, it is found in furniture ...

Despite highly publicized programs of tree plantations, many do not survive, and a decline in deforestation over the past five years, Mexico still losing large parts of forests, a deficit which represents about 10% its emissions of greenhouse gas emissions.

Over 70% of Mexico's forests belong to local communities, but less than half are actually managed as here.

To be effective, such programs involve "property rights established, good management, transparency, and political skills training," said Ivan Zuniga, a Mexican Council for sustainable forestry.

These conditions are met in Ixtlan de Juarez, according to experts.

"This has already taken a long time, a lot of sacrifices and a lot of people, work of many people, "concludes Pedro Torres.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pokemon Indigo Heatran

Cancun: Nothing new under the sun

The Cancun conference on climate" does not give anything, "said Lula

The UN conference on global warming Climate to Cancun (Mexico), "Nothing will give" in the absence of heads of state of major countries in the world, said Wednesday the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

"It does will give anything. No great leader there is, at best they are ministers of the environment, and we do not even know whether the foreign ministers will go; there will be no progress, "said Lula, who himself this week canceled his trip to Cancun.

The Brazilian president also lamented the reluctance of rich countries to finance the fight against deforestation Latin America, Asia or Africa.

"The financing proposal is very confusing," he lamented.

He however assured that Brazil would honor its commitments, without waiting for assistance or financing. South American giant has hired last year to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by 39% and Amazonian deforestation 80% from the forecast in 2020.

"We're keeping our commitments and we do not need a favor to meet them, we'll keep them because it is our duty," said Lula.

His government announced Wednesday that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had posted a record decline between August 2009 and July 2010, with 6451 km2 deforested, a reduction of 14% over the previous twelve months.

At this rate, Brazil could achieve its goal of reducing deforestation by 2015, five years earlier than expected, said the Minister Environment, Izabella Teixeira.

is estimated that deforestation causes 20% of global emissions of carbon dioxide, blamed for global warming.

Brazil is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases, largely because of deforestation.