Monday, January 31, 2011

Orange County Blood Plasma

The countryside was deserted, and Rodolphe heard the steady beat of herbs whipped his shoe, with the cry of the grasshopper hidden away in the oats.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Golf Ball Compression Comparison Chart

of peace And you KNITTED what? My heart will remember

not there another week to answer this question, frankly, saying, "I knit for a birch dwarf my son is very very risky for an answer. Fortunately, since I went back to the cup, and soon Lacy Baktus ... Phew! you have nothing to fear for my sanity ;-)
Moreover, each had his dwarf birch. One is still the face because he finds that his shawl is too small ...
And if you ask me "Did you suffer what this Sunday?" I answer a buttered pears Norman Dwarfs for my grandparents, those who eat! A delicious cake that I highly recommend!

Small dwarf with a small birch

Small dwarf with a large birch

Very nice cup Greeting Anne "Seeds for love, "Thank you!

The recipe (click to enlarge) I replaced the raisins with ginger as a tribute to my cop's Alex and I Louadelias n 'have not been drinking, the dwarfs are cure "organic verbena. Yes I know I'm cruel ;-)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Magna Rx Gained An Inch

xonbo, trefou, couib, breccia,

"The actresses are not the words as brothel, Bouic, mess, cock, etc..,
by words of good company. It can refuse to play in my room - there will
men. Otherwise They obey my sentence. They say I will bear the words
has upside. For example: xonbo, trefou, couib, breccia, etc.. "Jean Genet
, How to play The Balcony

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Primer Annealing Temperature

not turlururu

not laugh

not junk

not turlururu

and not especially distinguished writers reread

Ah! I hate you Boileau

Boiteux, Boignetière, Boilou, Boigermain,

Boirops, Boitel, Boivery

Boicamille, Boit wrong Drink this

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Itchy Nose Itchy Palms Itchy Ears

Photogenic the terrorist

An article on my German trilogy by Laurence Côté-Fournier - Double room on observatory of contemporary literature.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Slat Fencing, Calgary

Sacha presentation Lenoir Festival Premiers Plans Angers

Under Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers , Laurence Ferreira-Barbosa and I will present our work around my new film Sacha Lenoir, which will be published shortly by Capricci in a compilation of five writers and five directors. We will be accompanied by: Sylvain Coher and Joana Preiss, and Melvil Maylis of Kerangal Poupaud, Pascal Bonitzer and Emmanuelle Pagano, Olivia Rosenthal and Lawrence Lariviere.

The previous collection, Beatrice Merkel met Bégaudeau Francis, Joy Sorman, Peter Alferi Christine Montalbetti and Stephane Bouquet, Patricia Mazuy, Noemie Lvovsky, Albert Serra, Caroline Champetier and Claire Denis.

All details on the site of Capricci:
WITH WRITING, TO READ: 5 WRITERS / FILMMAKERS 5 Wednesday, January 26 from 14:30 to 17h at the Congress Centre of Angers On the occasion of the project Sacha Lenoir, writers and filmmakers exchange with the audience on their writing and adapting for film. In partnership with Acor

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pokemon Pinball Ruby And Sapphire Rom

vacation experience

2:35 p.m.. The tour operator Thomas Cook Belgium decides to extend the suspension until February 15 of his departure to Tunisia, where the "situation is still not standard" and where "vacation experience" of its customers can not be guaranteed .
(AFP dispatch)

How Much Oxytetracycline Should I Take


Versailles Against Against Against Alexandrian Chopin

Against Rome Against Rome

Against Against Legal
theological Against Rome

Tam-tam criticism
Tam-tam Tam-tam crushing
standing with his back to the grave without
dynasty without
diocese without guardianship without paralyzers
without caresses without bowing
Tam-tam the breast of the earth
Tam-tam men's heart like punches
Against Against Bossuet
Against chair of the Truth
To break
To counter
To counteract
To tamp
To speed
To precipitate
To throw down To leave the site

To laugh in the blaze
For hurtling
To slide down
Against Against sisters
harp the harp
Against draperies
For hurtling
For hurtling

For hurtling
For hurtling

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Church First Anniversary Program.

Perfect weekend ... Between the Parisian air and my campaign

Some friends, a beautiful exhibition Heinrich Kühn at the Orangerie ( Evelyne speaks very good), walks , shops, waffles from Meert ;-)

night, a rendezvous with a woman free and generous heart, and you capsize you laugh. Anne Sylvester talks about small boats that drew in his notebooks and I see Agnes Varda, who on his little pointed up the Seine in his latest film "The Beaches of Agnes" ...

Keep a surprised look on life, it makes little old ladies who I would like ...

I returned to port at noon, the heart meets the mind freer ...

Heinrich Kuhn, photographer-painter

Discover Playlist Blog with Anne Sylvestre

Miley Cyrus Belly Pain

Inculte # 20 has just been published uncultivated-20-

Hubert Selby Jr.

file: alcohol
Our selection by Maylis of Kerangal
The same, by Claro De
alcoholism ethics, Véronique Decaix
The agave, by Patrick Deville
Dry eyes, throat, by Benjamin Dromard
Michel Daerden, ... a face, by Mathieu Larnaudie
turkey whiskey, Anonymous
Although watered by Arno Bertina
Grise, by Maylis Kerangal
of Far, by Alban Lefranc
Note on the birth of the undecided woman, by Matthew Larner
Dialogues drunk by Guillaume Carreno and Johan Faerber
Praise rosé, Mathias Énard

2004/1980, by Oliver Rohe
Archipelago parades, by Matthew Larner
Standing among the ruins, Boissel
by Xavier Godard, male and his cigar, by Gwen Stubbe
Love, etc.., by Hortense Gauthier
Véloportrait hero, by Thomas Corpet d'Orbigny
The Bible of the avant-garde, Jean-Noel Orengo
occupation signs, Johan Faerber
body (&) of writing (3), by Louise Desbrusses

Saturday, January 22, 2011

When Do I Take Down Harvest Decorations


It is thought both this morning and it was called. It's gonna be two years.

On 23 January 2009, Marius went out of his living liver operation after ten hours of operation
He was in intensive care and his father took turns to be beside him read "Le Petit Nicolas", powerful remedy against pain than being cradled by his parents and watched ...
When one was down the side of our child, the other was on 6th floor
the 6th floor, the mood was quite different. Parents invited us to their table. A Chinese caterer, a bottle of wine ... It was good conversation on these flea markets and travel ...

With Helen, it has shared these mattresses on the floor to watch over our little
The night we saw the Eiffel Tower, 6th Floor
They spoke the Cheap ;-)
We were talking about people we crossed
In this strange life within the walls of the hospital

And then there was that day in September. ..
Garance, a star ...
From pain and tears

few months after this crazy project, create an association.
This idea resonated so strongly in me.
I said yes by friendship, I said yes, thinking of all children and parents that I had crossed during the years of hospitalization Marius

Two years after, a website, that of the ASPREHP
A light in the night coming fall on the parents who face illness
The one I liked to see the announcement of the cavernous door Marius

A forum where parents exchange
A team united and full of ideas
A site where you can find Photo Christmas Bicêtre .
Thanks Red Sisters! Thank you!

On January 23, 2009, Marius was saved
On 23 January 2009, I met one of the nicest people I know

pst: This ticket is issued with a little advance, because tonight I have an appointment with Anne Sylvestre in Paris ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Does Ff Mean On My Sunbeam Blanket

Red Lunch Box # 2 #

Since the first ticket, things have changed
bag for Marius in the rest of this summer's slick and handles linen, not fearing to be thrown under the courtyard washable and will when the yoghurt was poured ;-)
The lunch-boxes sealed to keep the meal warm for 5 hours (mark Aladdin). It is very convenient and it really works. I put the meal I'm cooking at about 7 o'clock in the morning and eat hot boys to 12 hours.

On the menu this winter, still in the basket of vegetables and legumes with meat and fish every other day. I agree it is nice to have children who eat just about everything: carrots quinoa and chicken with honey / soy sauce, leek and wild salmon / sweet potato carrots and parsnips kefta Calf / kale and smoked soy knacks / split peas / lentils ... We just try lenses black "beluga" and it's really delicious!

And one day a week, a flat "guaranteed success".
On Tuesday, it was pasta with Bolognese sauce Express: sauté onion and garlic in olive oil, add ground beef, preferably organic, brown, add two tablespoons of red wine and a box of organic tomatoes peeled or grout house and a few leaves sage, salt, pepper and simmer time to cook pasta.
And a dessert that is the envy of friends ;-) to thank the boys eat their homemade yogurt and fruit every other day while they are passing Danette, and cakes. Currently The house dessert is often cream caramel because I have a lot of eggs in the AMAP. A delicious recipe from the small collection of MCI (click to enlarge the recipe).

4 months of lunch-boxes and one afternoon when Reuben did not want his vegetables, it gives me the courage to continue ... But I know that the hardest months are ahead of me because in March, April, we want to green and the basket of organic vegetables do not follow in my area. It should also eat cabbage, carrots and turnips into other adjoining peas in May. Fortunately our growers have greenhouses and we regularly engage spinach ....

My lifestyle choice that allows "organic and local" is on our plates. It seems to me that the revolution within my reach, financially, as I cook almost all of what we eat, the choice is not more expensive.
And if you're interested, I invite you to read this site: Menus toxic .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why Am I Addicted To Mints

Nuclear waste ... no funds for burial

The "short-sighted financial concerns" hinder research on nuclear waste

site storage of nuclear waste from the Channel to Digueville, October 29, 2009 Mychele Daniau AFP / File

ENERGY - This is the conclusion of the final evaluation report national plan for managing radioactive materials and waste, which is not tender with EDF ...

The last evaluation report of the national plan for managing radioactive waste and materials, presented Wednesday, January 19 at the press, is an indictment against the French nuclear industry. Directed by OPECST (Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Advice), the report criticizes the attitude of EDF deal with the difficulties facing research on transmutation (tranformation after their separation, lived radioactive elements elements in long-lived stable or shorter): "The nuclear industry players, particularly EDF are tempted to favor a so-called economic realism and want to stop searching. They just forget that this realism is against the long-term development of nuclear power. "And the report expressed concern" with progress on financial concerns short-sighted in industry, especially at EDF. "

" Industrialists have enough to pay a fine storage site for France "

Both members Birraux Claude (UMP) and Christian Battle (PS) also criticize the attitude of industrialists face Andra (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management): "Regarding the project's strategic deep geological disposal of high level long-lived, which is scheduled to open in 2025, tensions have emerged between some months Andra and industry and particularly EDF. These tensions are further to the announcement by Andra an estimated cost of future storage, significantly higher than the last. "Rating is indeed increased from 13 to 21 billion euros, gold the law imposes EDF to finance 80% of the repository. EDF there are other technical solutions for storage, cheaper. But the two MPs recalled that only Andra was commissioned to work on these issues and sent a "reminder of the law" for the industry. "It would be an ethical problem if the waste producer was also the one who decides the conditions of storage of such waste," said Claude Birraux. "The industry has plenty to pay a fine storage site for France. We must let Andra work in serenity, "says Bataille.

Zippyshare Zack And Cody Jordin Sparks

First Love

I associate, Rightly or Wrongly, my wedding With The death of my father, in time. That other links exist, on Other Levels, Between Two thesis affairs, is Not impossible. I Have Enough As It Is in disorder Trying to Say What I think I know.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Circuitelectricity Saving Box

Things Seen, read, heard # 1 #

Reading in Fred , lists of movies, books, music of 2010, I told myself that I had memory that was sinking, I could not remember well ... So like others, I decided to note some scraps, some emotion until everything is mixed ...

Toni Morrison "A gift"
In this book, there are children buried in the garden and another who was born in Riverside. Secrets of women whispered like prayers magic and stifled cries. This book combines choral voices of four women: a wife and three slaves. I do not know if I have unraveled all the votes because there's violence and madness in each. Rebekka, Florens, Lian, Sorrow, I've lost along the way, I climbed a tree to take shelter with you, I loved your community outside of the code of Virginia at the time, I had the wild hope of you free and I kept seeing the bitter taste of oppression in the mouth.

Somewhere Sofia Coppola
He latex full face and looks like the Invisible Man in his chair in the middle of the masks of special effects. This scene in the middle of the film summarizes the life of this man, star or not does not matter who sees neither he nor the others ... that nothing touches. Nothing except his daughter.
She stayed with him a few days before leaving on a colo. They leave in Italy, playing the guitar, she cooks a brunch ...
He is on his balcony and finally sees the city at his feet for the first time since the beginning of the film.
Somewhere, the story of a man who reflected the view that finds his life thanks to a 11 year old girl.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stream South Park Online On Iphone

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ For Simon

nailed Stay at home, it can finish faster knitting of Simon, the new little cousin boys.

A small button jacket model Gold (Occasional 20)
Laika Laine hands 6

It's crazy how good it is to knit for babies! but the dwarfs are the face ... it seems they really want "shawls" ...

Have a great week, I'd be stayed on the small wall to make me warm in the sun!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What Happens When A Rack And Pinion


He and I patients, the voice cut ...
For weeks, he and my voice too high, screaming, crying
Him, anxieties uncontrollable
I who no longer knows how to get out of the net air
Even if we move even though some days more serene ...
With hands, with words, to appeal to people who will take kindly
fears, help them out

He and I, now closed
In the silence with her throat itchy too
It written while I knit
He wrote to his brother
The one we just told me "there is much talk about his big brother right now"
Upon whom ran aground the anger at not a mother, a father
The story of a wolf and a woodcutter who tamed

to read a story HERE

Story Love

Tonight I warned
I look Footprints on Annette Messager
I want peace
Two small chairs who come to my side
A 4 we looked at the works and life of this artist
"Telling stories is just that my art"
Marius listened to everything and noticed things on little pieces of folded paper
Ruben asked if it was "of painting, sculpture, dolls." ..

"Storytelling" and to trust his eyes,
to ours, the love you put into it, even if sometimes
you feel caught in nets ...

A love story

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Is My Iron Levels Low But Hemoglobin Fine

Challenge # 13 The wonderful world of fairies and heroes #

"A red cape Scottish knight" this was the request of the boy who lives here but would have liked to be called Harry instead of Marius ...
In his imagination a Scottish knight wears a red cape with the tartan of his clan ... and I even found some old buttons with shields and lions!
This morning we wanted to do a scene with a kilt and a battle but ... too much rain, too late ... then two winter photos that do not capture this nice model from Citronille .
Maminou Thanks for the time spent hand sewing the edges nice pockets and buttonholes!

To see all the princesses, fairies and knights Challenge 13

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cool Facts About Tay Sachs Disease

hacks and Co.

The hack c ' is like the magic of Garcimore "sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I thank the spirits of David Copperfield, and Gerard Majax Merlin for thinking of me this weekend. Two bidouilleries successful! This is too much!

First trick: lace cap, loosely based point Faustina. It's simple you make the eve of the garter, lace the next day. And then there 's a trick! Even the lace you love it! When you put your cap is simple you seem to have skipped a class, the whole world sees that you've mastered this trick phew what point Faustina! You walk tall, you put your mittens and you take away 100 times a day at the office ... You're the fart serious but not forgetting, at your level a little beetle knit hack works is something like an eclipse that happens only every 98 years ... !

Second trick: yes I know it's huge! Mary you branch on the crown of kings, this Sunday compet kind of crown of kings, all your ovens and your candied fruit! I found a recipe from an old Marie Claire extra dough and get a shapeless and very sticky! oh rage oh despair! And then Merlin and his wand appear .. hop and a little flour, a little hop and yeast, hop and a little flour, and hop you knead, you knead, knead you ... The miracle of lifting is done under your eyes, you watch cooking with as much hope as your first risotto. Appraisal: gilding ok ok lifting, flexibility ok, friends delighted 12, the remaining shares after tea 0!

So as you can guess already, not too upset the magicians, for one month, I do not hack anything, I live in my cushy quiet corner following my sheets and my knitting recipes. ..

To And fairy is back: Real fruit candied melon / pear / Angelique

Edit The basic recipe to which we must add the yeast, flour and orange flower water - click to enlarge!