Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why Am I Addicted To Mints

Nuclear waste ... no funds for burial

The "short-sighted financial concerns" hinder research on nuclear waste

site storage of nuclear waste from the Channel to Digueville, October 29, 2009 Mychele Daniau AFP / File

ENERGY - This is the conclusion of the final evaluation report national plan for managing radioactive materials and waste, which is not tender with EDF ...

The last evaluation report of the national plan for managing radioactive waste and materials, presented Wednesday, January 19 at the press, is an indictment against the French nuclear industry. Directed by OPECST (Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Advice), the report criticizes the attitude of EDF deal with the difficulties facing research on transmutation (tranformation after their separation, lived radioactive elements elements in long-lived stable or shorter): "The nuclear industry players, particularly EDF are tempted to favor a so-called economic realism and want to stop searching. They just forget that this realism is against the long-term development of nuclear power. "And the report expressed concern" with progress on financial concerns short-sighted in industry, especially at EDF. "

" Industrialists have enough to pay a fine storage site for France "

Both members Birraux Claude (UMP) and Christian Battle (PS) also criticize the attitude of industrialists face Andra (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management): "Regarding the project's strategic deep geological disposal of high level long-lived, which is scheduled to open in 2025, tensions have emerged between some months Andra and industry and particularly EDF. These tensions are further to the announcement by Andra an estimated cost of future storage, significantly higher than the last. "Rating is indeed increased from 13 to 21 billion euros, gold the law imposes EDF to finance 80% of the repository. EDF there are other technical solutions for storage, cheaper. But the two MPs recalled that only Andra was commissioned to work on these issues and sent a "reminder of the law" for the industry. "It would be an ethical problem if the waste producer was also the one who decides the conditions of storage of such waste," said Claude Birraux. "The industry has plenty to pay a fine storage site for France. We must let Andra work in serenity, "says Bataille.


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