Sunday, January 23, 2011

Miley Cyrus Belly Pain

Inculte # 20 has just been published uncultivated-20-

Hubert Selby Jr.

file: alcohol
Our selection by Maylis of Kerangal
The same, by Claro De
alcoholism ethics, Véronique Decaix
The agave, by Patrick Deville
Dry eyes, throat, by Benjamin Dromard
Michel Daerden, ... a face, by Mathieu Larnaudie
turkey whiskey, Anonymous
Although watered by Arno Bertina
Grise, by Maylis Kerangal
of Far, by Alban Lefranc
Note on the birth of the undecided woman, by Matthew Larner
Dialogues drunk by Guillaume Carreno and Johan Faerber
Praise rosé, Mathias Énard

2004/1980, by Oliver Rohe
Archipelago parades, by Matthew Larner
Standing among the ruins, Boissel
by Xavier Godard, male and his cigar, by Gwen Stubbe
Love, etc.., by Hortense Gauthier
Véloportrait hero, by Thomas Corpet d'Orbigny
The Bible of the avant-garde, Jean-Noel Orengo
occupation signs, Johan Faerber
body (&) of writing (3), by Louise Desbrusses


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