Saturday, January 22, 2011

When Do I Take Down Harvest Decorations


It is thought both this morning and it was called. It's gonna be two years.

On 23 January 2009, Marius went out of his living liver operation after ten hours of operation
He was in intensive care and his father took turns to be beside him read "Le Petit Nicolas", powerful remedy against pain than being cradled by his parents and watched ...
When one was down the side of our child, the other was on 6th floor
the 6th floor, the mood was quite different. Parents invited us to their table. A Chinese caterer, a bottle of wine ... It was good conversation on these flea markets and travel ...

With Helen, it has shared these mattresses on the floor to watch over our little
The night we saw the Eiffel Tower, 6th Floor
They spoke the Cheap ;-)
We were talking about people we crossed
In this strange life within the walls of the hospital

And then there was that day in September. ..
Garance, a star ...
From pain and tears

few months after this crazy project, create an association.
This idea resonated so strongly in me.
I said yes by friendship, I said yes, thinking of all children and parents that I had crossed during the years of hospitalization Marius

Two years after, a website, that of the ASPREHP
A light in the night coming fall on the parents who face illness
The one I liked to see the announcement of the cavernous door Marius

A forum where parents exchange
A team united and full of ideas
A site where you can find Photo Christmas BicĂȘtre .
Thanks Red Sisters! Thank you!

On January 23, 2009, Marius was saved
On 23 January 2009, I met one of the nicest people I know

pst: This ticket is issued with a little advance, because tonight I have an appointment with Anne Sylvestre in Paris ...


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