Saturday, February 26, 2011

Carnival Cruise Spending

* Sow love

Here we really like Anne Crausaz discovery with "Raymond dream"
We already had three
We missed it "I grew up here"
Emma told him that this book reminds us
and I say it reminds me of his photos, it

"I grew up here," recounts the life of a seed apple seed that germinates, takes root shrub, blooming apple tree ...

was spun for a week in country, see the salt water and mimosa ...
And catch the spring to bring an end to us!

Take care!

* title borrowed from Anne BlaBla etc ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Voice In The Bounty Commercial

Lacy Baktus February

It is huge, much more than the original, with 3 balls Noro Silk Garden knitted in 4.5
This is not the wool the most suitable because it is very irregular, sometimes very thick, sometimes thin.
I "swallowed" wool pressed to see the new color arrive
I made 3 big mistakes but I was so excited to wear that I have not unraveled (shame I am! I will repair it all this summer, the lacy will review ...)
It never leaves my neck ... my lacy Baktus February.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Did The Term A Loose Women Originate

Black side

Dear Thierry Hesse,
I finished your book "Demons" Sunday afternoon after hesitating a moment to ask. It is a book that should not be read at night, I can not sleep with your words under the eyelids. Once the last page read, I wanted to salute your work, your sense of history, connections, the story very well conducted. I also wanted you that the trial scene of the little girl abused was not mandatory; it did not, for me, nothing in the book. After the mass graves, the pogroms, trucks smelling death, Stalin's massacres, the terrible scenes at the hospital in Chechnya, was it really add that? It was understood that without the need to rebuild your character's history by plunging into the Great Story ... and we know he has descendants. That the Demons have no end.

"Demons" Thierry Hesse in his pocket Points **

Dear Natalie Portman,
I came away from "Black Swan" by having the smell of my old dance studio in the nose and my hands after a working session at the helm. I loved your interpretation, your weakness and your folly. The demons that pursue you are the fruit of the discipline that puts perfection as an ideal. The scenes of the mirror is a terrible accuracy. A dancer is going time to watch and spy on others, to live with the pain of his body ... and with his mother (terrible relationship that made me think that the pianist Haneke). Then through hard work up the obsession, there's this moment when we transcend the role. I saw this in "Black Swan". You gave me chills!

"Black Swan" from Darren Aronofsky ***

Where Can I Order An Eggless Cake In Melbourne

You were not there - on France Culture

In the cycle "ICON OF ROCK, my adaptation of You were not there will be broadcast on France Culture March 12, 2011.
Full details here

Nico, singer, cover girl hieratic, silent, we know only a few shots where the nails rumor: some small real facts gleaned here and there, appeared in La Dolce Vita an album with the Velvet Underground, a little ethereal presence in the Warhol Factory.

It is understood but it is wrong, no one knows anything, he must start all over again.

You were not here another Nico present, free of the miasma of cliches, and he makes some of its possible lives.

Director: Jean-Mathieu Zahnd

With: Andrea Schieffer

Françoise Cousin


Alain Richard Lacroix Julien Chevallier

Team director: Serge Ristitch Eric Villenfin

Assistant embodiment: Delphine Leme

Vespr Structure For Clf_2_( )


I removed the mask and I saw myself in the mirror
was the child of forty years ago
He had not changed at all
That's the advantage whether removing the mask
It is always the child
The past was
I removed the mask and then put it back
As it is much better
As this without the mask
And I come back to me as the terminus of a line.


Photo: Self-Portrait with Blindfold, Dan Estabrook , 2004

Generator Club Nintendo

private apartments

the way, I finally went into private apartments, and I must say they don ' not exist at all ... Curious! And I thought hard as iron to private apartments. Robert Walser

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Pancreatitis Causes Ileus


In February, I look for the yellow ... I dream of mimosa and sun ...
is the month of lemon cake
For a long time I wanted to test the site Clea cuisine I love and consult often.
She said "to die for" and that is true, a delight! Voted "too good mother" in the first round which lasted only three hours on the table before disappearing until the last crumb.

lemon almond cake

3 eggs 40g flour 40g

almond powder 80 g sugar cane blond
60 g almond paste 1 tsp white

baking powder 2 lemons (zest and juice)
Preheat oven to 170 ° C. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat yolks with sugar until frothy. Add the almond paste and lemon juice, beating vigorously, then stir in flour, baking powder, almond powder and lemon zest. Beat the egg whites until stiff and stir the mixture very gently. Bake for 25 minutes. Check for doneness with a knife. Let cool completely on rack. This cake is delicious served cold.
Note: Use a mold not too large, maximum diameter 22 cm.
Ps: I did not mold of 22 cm but it was very good like that too ...

EDIT: You can find the white almond paste in all food shops

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2010 Talent Show Songs Dance

Everything that happened in the world who accuse

There is a terrible gray dust over time

A south wind with strong wings

deaf Echoes of water in the evening capsizing

And wet night that springs from the turn

rough voices who complain

A taste of ashes on the tongue

A sound organ in the paths

The vessel of the heart that pitches

All the disasters in the art

When the lights go out in the desert one to one

When the eyes are wet as

blades of grass

When the dew descends barefoot on leaves

Morning barely lifted

ago someone looking

An address hidden deep in the road

Warmed The stars and flowers tumble

Through the broken branches

And Dark Creek wipes her soft lips barely off

When not walking on the dial which has

rule movement and pushes the horizon

All calls have all the time meet

And I walk eyes in the sky rays

There is noise for nothing and names in my head

Faces live

Whatever happened to the world

And this festival

Where I wasted my time

(Pierre Reverdy)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Are All The Tv People Wearing The Red Flower

tankers to the fine

The tanker Chevron ordered to pay eight billion dollars in Ecuador

FINE RECORD - Ecuador has condemned the U.S. group for pollution in the province of Sucumbios ...

The U.S. oil company Chevron was sentenced Monday to eight billion dollars to pay for pollution driven by Texaco, a company he bought in an Amazonian province of Ecuador, a decision against which he has promised to appeal. "Judge (Provincial Court of Sucumbios, in charge of the case) ordered Chevron to pay more than eight billion dollars for environmental damage", told AFP the plaintiffs' lawyer, Pablo Fajardo. The spokesman for Chevron Latin America James Craig, confirmed that "a condemnatory ruling was issued in the trials for environmental damage brought against the company in connection with the operations of Texaco Petroleum Company, between 1964 and 1990.
"We will appeal," said the spokesman reached by telephone in New York. In a statement, the company has also assured that the decision was "illegitimate and unenforceable", considering it was the result of "fraud and totally contrary to the legitimate scientific evidence." This sentence exceeds the originally required to record fine for ExxonMobil oil spill in Alaska in 1989 , a $ 4.5 billion, before being returned several years later to 500 million.

Rafael Correa speaks of "crime against humanity "

The judge in charge of the case, based in Lago Agrio, in Sucumbios province (north, near the Colombian border) has closed a new chapter of legal drama opponent since 1993 some 30,000 inhabitants of the Amazon region to oil giant. According to plaintiffs, Texaco (bought by Chevron in 2001), resulted in serious environmental damage, including the payment in open pits its waste oil, which then contaminated soils and rivers. The inhabitants of this region, including many natives, also complain of illnesses and even cancers they attributed to this pollution.
socialist President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, in power since 2007, for its part accused the company thereby committing a "crime against humanity." "Entire villages were exterminated by this pollution," he said. The NGO that defends the Amazon Amazon Watch, for his part hailed the ruling "historic." "This is the first time that indigenous people pursuing a multinational in the country where the crime was committed and win," said the NGOs in particular in a statement that accuses Chevron of having conducted a "public relations campaign to avoid having to repair the environmental and health disaster" driven.

The International Court in The Hague will decide

Chevron for its part accuses the Ecuadorian justice 'fraud' videos in support, arguing that judges in charge of the case had even agreed pots bribes to condemn the company. He also believes that the responsibility for damage caused by Texaco's operations is the state oil company Petroecuador, a time combined with Texaco, which had already paid 40 million dollars to clean the affected area.
The group also received February 9 a positive decision of the Court of International Arbitration Hague , jurisdiction under a treaty US-Ecuador investment protection. The court ordered in this decision that the interim government of Ecuador to refrain from any trial run a condemnatory in the country or abroad until it had ruled on the merits.

A Easier Way To Make Someone Fall Asleep


never forget what country you live: Tarnac-les tubes qui accuse coupat.html

might find this funny, and it is, in many ways, the stories of scotch, this "special police officers of the extreme left" This mixture of ultra-precise details and vague absolute terms, these arguments bidet --- but the overall tone of the article's title, taken in stride rantings of the police are much less and are cold in the back.

6co2 6h20 Energy=c6h1206 Mean


First, people are much more unhappy than people think. And then the bottom of it all is that there are no grownups.

(photo: Duel in the Sun, King Vidor)

Wedding Card Messages From Parents

ALPHABET - Dorothy Volut


ALPHABET Dorothy Volut, published by Eric Pesty.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Volley Ball Playground

Floods, caused by global warming

The floods, caused by global warming

CLIMATE - The latest studies show a link between the intensity of floods and global warming ... The

warming has increased the intensity of heavy rains and flooding in the northern hemisphere during the second half of the 20th century, according to research published Wednesday. Two studies appearing in the British scientific journal Nature among the first establishing a direct link between climate change and its impact on extreme weather events. Until then, this relationship remained largely theoretical, although numerical simulations predicted that rising greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere would aggravate the episodes of torrential rains. "It's really the case, our paper provides the first specific evidence," says Francis Zwiers (University of Victoria, Canada), co-author of one study. "Man influences the intensity of extreme precipitation events" , "he told reporters during a telephone press conference.

More water in the air when the weather warms

data collected in Europe, Asia and North America show that on average, more severe precipitation peaks with a duration of 24 hours in a given year had increased intensity during the latter half of the 20th century. When comparing these peaks with annual simulations of climate models, human influence becomes evident, according to Francis Zwiers. "The change can not be explained by natural fluctuations, the only internal climate system," he said. There is more water in the air when the weather warms up "the atmosphere has increased capacity to retain moisture," he says.
precipitation will not necessarily increase in regions where rainfall is low. Some may, instead, to become drier. "But this means that when precipitation occurs, there is more water," says this scientist.

risks of extreme rainfall doubled

Why was it so difficult for scientists to establish a direct link between climate change and extreme weather events? It is "easier and easier to detect in the comments" the effects of climate change as and greenhouse gas emissions accumulate in the atmosphere, "he says. Capabilities limited computational computers, however, remain an obstacle to achieve thin models and compare them to reality.
To overcome this obstacle, Myles Allen (Oxford University) and Pardeep Hall (ETH Zurich) have used the power of social networks to complete the second study on the impact of global warming in England, where Fall 2000 was marked by torrential rains causing severe damage. "We asked members of the public worldwide to leave their own personal computer simulations to make when we were not using it" he recounts. The distributed computing project currently receives 50,000 to 60,000 personal computers.
The researchers were able to compare two numerical models, one based on detailed historical weather data, the other on a simulation of what would have happened in the fall of 2000 in England if greenhouse gas emissions n had not been issued in the 20th century. After repeating the simulation thousands of times, they found that these emissions had doubled the risk of seeing produce extreme rainfall events.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Opening Prayer In A Seminar

Tart Thiabendazole

If you missed last night, the e link to see the story very well done "Eating can affect our health" ... By HERE .
And if you look up to the end you will understand why I'm addicted to this oil here: Kusmi Life is so precious in Omega 3 and 6, which can replace the salmon of livestock without problem (if you've never seen it colorimeter salmon worth it!).

And why thiabendazole pie?
The thiabendazole is frequently found in apples that you buy in the supermarket shelves, as well as the bocalide the carbendazim normally banned in France ... it is breathtaking!

To me, our shopping carts are as important as our registration cards ;-) but I know I'm an old biobio that doting ;-)

( ps If you live in Switzerland and want to do well in my races I would be delighted Lin Kusmi!)

Can You Wear Leggings With Cocktail Dresses

Creating a Drome Valley - Diois in Transition, that is gone ... Oil

Territories in Transition
Drome Valley - January 2011

An animation citizen has 7 themes emerge around which to think and act to prepare the country to live without oil

1. The economy
Give the man at the center of the economy
develop alternative forms: local currencies, LETS (Local Exchange Trading System)
develop collective solutions
Working in cooperative societies
Develop a social minimum

2. Agriculture
Reduce urban sprawl on land quality
Relocate food crop production
Revisiting methods and natural farming techniques: permaculture, organic, less input ,
Empower local reclaiming a piece of land: 20% of area gardens Mandatory (like public housing)

3. Energy - Habitat
systematically inform the population of all the alternatives
Basic idea: use less and find small solutions
Vegetate roofs to insulate the roof and recreate what lost ground
Relocate energy as well as food: go to wood fuel (short term)
Changing behavior: qq reduce degrees isolated houses, change of supplier, to review its own energy use and consider all possible solutions
Pooling, group heating systems (personal autonomy is a desirable ?) to go to the cohousing (how to find skills?) long-term
All themes are interconnected: housing, transportation ... Social => reflecting together

4. Transport
Expand all alternatives: car, stop solidarity, taxis, bicycles, small cars 10 people
Rethinking the program of road construction
Focus railways
the Work attitudes, educating children, bringing together public services, increase parking spaces to get together on community sites (gardens)

5. Food
Educating otherwise pool between meals Nearby: 1fois/semaine kitchen, shared meals a week, cook together, focus on fruits and vegetables in season and local, to make awareness in supermarkets (packages, types of food ...)
Develop community gardens, local self-sufficiency
Organize composts in town

6. Social link
Sharing of knowledge, information on alternatives, potentials, discussions ... meeting places
Partying often
Habitat shared
- If all this already exists, reflect together on what really prevents us from being more collective.
unifying Create activities that do not necessarily respond to the needs (eg recycling, assembly by a group of clothing all generations), but that create joy and help move towards an ideal
Train young people to NVC at school (Nonviolent Communication)
Back to "popular universities" where everyone shares his knowledge with others, knowledge of ancient
Social link back or coming back from envy or necessity? reflection on love to go to the other.

7. Political thinking
Awakening consciences; use NVC in municipal councils, training
Fighting capitalism and how to live inside the words, freedom, equality, fraternity?
Clear positive energies
Develop cooperative enterprises
The elected leaders are more citizens that political professionals
change through information, advocacy, research direction, the development of consciousness each; reclaim our future beyond the elect.
Florence Alicot
Ecology in Everyday
DIE, Rhone-Alpes, France
The Chastel 26150 DIE
Tel: 04 75 21 00 56

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whats The Fastest Pocket Bike

Bonnet "red farts" Pebble and the Penguin

picked up at Azelis this link to a great tutorial cup by Lilofil
A hat that is knit in Top Down and then adapts to the child's head
Quick Knit to marked Ruben far in mice with large ears
Alpaca wool and silk thread Plassard Currant
The Pooh loves it ... not as good as his gun ;-) intergalactic

How Do You Sew In A Clouser


It would be very extraordinary that thousands of events that occur each year resulting in perfect harmony. There are always those who do not pass, and one keeps in itself offensive. One of the things

to do: exorcism.

Every situation is addictive and hundreds of outbuildings. It would be unheard of satisfaction that results in a shadow or without a man could, if it was active, fighting them effectively in practice.

One of the things to do: exorcism.

Exorcism, reaction force, attack the ram, is the true poem of the prisoner.

In the place of suffering and obsession, is introduced as an enhancement, such a beautiful violence, United pounding words, evil is dissolved gradually replaced by an air ball and demonic - state wonderful!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gerudo Training Camp Ice Arrows

The boys thanked their "Tata Germanic" and "Uncle Bob Razowski" they have offered this weekend at Pebble and the Penguin magic as Ruben said. ..

way back we wondered: when a "Ghibli land" where it would be the size of Arrietty, where we could run on Ponyo with water, walk through the tree of the castle in the sky, fighting the evil castle street, flying with Porco Rosso, to have their picture taken with Totoro?