Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Honda Odyssey License Plate

a curse ... Still junk

The curse of black gold in Nigeria

Men walk in an oil slick in the Delta Niger, 20 June 2010. Sunday Alamba / AP / SIPA

ENVIRONMENT - The site offers a web-Arte complements the documentary report aired on the adverse effects of the actions of the oil industry in Nigeria ...

Following the release of "Nigeria: the eternal black tide" * ARTE Reportage offers in addition a web-documentary entitled "Nigeria - the curse of black gold." Involved? The oil industry and its disastrous consequences on the political, security and especially the ecology of this little known region.
A gas flare burning in the fields. The web-Reportage ARTE documentary opens with a chilling scene. Flares, illegal since 1984, yet burn permanently in the Niger Delta. They eliminate the gases that are released during the extraction of crude oil and whose companies do not want. This practice, ecologically catastrophic releases of CO2 and methane which contribute to global warming, destroys the surrounding vegetation and wastes a valuable natural resource for people.
Nnimmo Bassey, the Nigerian named "Hero of the Environment 2009" by the magazine Time is fighting for the recognition of this environmental disaster in the Niger Delta. For him, no doubt, "it is time to establish an international tribunal for the climate and the environment. We need a tribunal for the polluters! "Behind Russia, Nigeria is now the second flarer the world.
For over 50 years, an oil spill ever gets on the Niger Delta. Each year, it flowed into the mangrove equivalent of an Exxon-Valdez, the tanker of 180,000 tons aground on the coast of Alaska in 1989. Result: a devastated environment, local people unable to support themselves and a rebellion that threatens the stability of the region. Since 1956 and the opening of the first oil wells by Shell, the incumbent, this region of Nigeria dark a little more each year into chaos.
In addition to this web documentary, you will find on the site Arte.tv maps, interviews with environmental activists who track oil spills in creeks and mangrove swamps, but also a photo slideshow. All key elements to understand what ecological disaster too little media coverage.
NIGERIA, THE CURSE OF THE BLACK GOLD: a web-documentary ARTE Reportage. Directed by: Yann Gléau and Sebastien Mesquida. Coproduction: ARTE EEIG / What's Up Productions. To discover now on http://artereportage.arte.tv/ # / en / nigeria
* The Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 19.15 on ARTE review here
Discover Web-documentaries "Portraits of a new world "on NEOPLANETE

Delphine Rabasté


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