Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can You Wear Leggings With Cocktail Dresses

Creating a Drome Valley - Diois in Transition, that is gone ... Oil

Territories in Transition
Drome Valley - January 2011

An animation citizen has 7 themes emerge around which to think and act to prepare the country to live without oil

1. The economy
Give the man at the center of the economy
develop alternative forms: local currencies, LETS (Local Exchange Trading System)
develop collective solutions
Working in cooperative societies
Develop a social minimum

2. Agriculture
Reduce urban sprawl on land quality
Relocate food crop production
Revisiting methods and natural farming techniques: permaculture, organic, less input ,
Empower local reclaiming a piece of land: 20% of area gardens Mandatory (like public housing)

3. Energy - Habitat
systematically inform the population of all the alternatives
Basic idea: use less and find small solutions
Vegetate roofs to insulate the roof and recreate what lost ground
Relocate energy as well as food: go to wood fuel (short term)
Changing behavior: qq reduce degrees isolated houses, change of supplier, to review its own energy use and consider all possible solutions
Pooling, group heating systems (personal autonomy is a desirable ?) to go to the cohousing (how to find skills?) long-term
All themes are interconnected: housing, transportation ... Social => reflecting together

4. Transport
Expand all alternatives: car, stop solidarity, taxis, bicycles, small cars 10 people
Rethinking the program of road construction
Focus railways
the Work attitudes, educating children, bringing together public services, increase parking spaces to get together on community sites (gardens)

5. Food
Educating otherwise pool between meals Nearby: 1fois/semaine kitchen, shared meals a week, cook together, focus on fruits and vegetables in season and local, to make awareness in supermarkets (packages, types of food ...)
Develop community gardens, local self-sufficiency
Organize composts in town

6. Social link
Sharing of knowledge, information on alternatives, potentials, discussions ... meeting places
Partying often
Habitat shared
- If all this already exists, reflect together on what really prevents us from being more collective.
unifying Create activities that do not necessarily respond to the needs (eg recycling, assembly by a group of clothing all generations), but that create joy and help move towards an ideal
Train young people to NVC at school (Nonviolent Communication)
Back to "popular universities" where everyone shares his knowledge with others, knowledge of ancient
Social link back or coming back from envy or necessity? reflection on love to go to the other.

7. Political thinking
Awakening consciences; use NVC in municipal councils, training
Fighting capitalism and how to live inside the words, freedom, equality, fraternity?
Clear positive energies
Develop cooperative enterprises
The elected leaders are more citizens that political professionals
change through information, advocacy, research direction, the development of consciousness each; reclaim our future beyond the elect.
Florence Alicot
Ecology in Everyday
DIE, Rhone-Alpes, France
The Chastel 26150 DIE
Tel: 04 75 21 00 56


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