Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Are All The Tv People Wearing The Red Flower

tankers to the fine

The tanker Chevron ordered to pay eight billion dollars in Ecuador

FINE RECORD - Ecuador has condemned the U.S. group for pollution in the province of Sucumbios ...

The U.S. oil company Chevron was sentenced Monday to eight billion dollars to pay for pollution driven by Texaco, a company he bought in an Amazonian province of Ecuador, a decision against which he has promised to appeal. "Judge (Provincial Court of Sucumbios, in charge of the case) ordered Chevron to pay more than eight billion dollars for environmental damage", told AFP the plaintiffs' lawyer, Pablo Fajardo. The spokesman for Chevron Latin America James Craig, confirmed that "a condemnatory ruling was issued in the trials for environmental damage brought against the company in connection with the operations of Texaco Petroleum Company, between 1964 and 1990.
"We will appeal," said the spokesman reached by telephone in New York. In a statement, the company has also assured that the decision was "illegitimate and unenforceable", considering it was the result of "fraud and totally contrary to the legitimate scientific evidence." This sentence exceeds the originally required to record fine for ExxonMobil oil spill in Alaska in 1989 , a $ 4.5 billion, before being returned several years later to 500 million.

Rafael Correa speaks of "crime against humanity "

The judge in charge of the case, based in Lago Agrio, in Sucumbios province (north, near the Colombian border) has closed a new chapter of legal drama opponent since 1993 some 30,000 inhabitants of the Amazon region to oil giant. According to plaintiffs, Texaco (bought by Chevron in 2001), resulted in serious environmental damage, including the payment in open pits its waste oil, which then contaminated soils and rivers. The inhabitants of this region, including many natives, also complain of illnesses and even cancers they attributed to this pollution.
socialist President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, in power since 2007, for its part accused the company thereby committing a "crime against humanity." "Entire villages were exterminated by this pollution," he said. The NGO that defends the Amazon Amazon Watch, for his part hailed the ruling "historic." "This is the first time that indigenous people pursuing a multinational in the country where the crime was committed and win," said the NGOs in particular in a statement that accuses Chevron of having conducted a "public relations campaign to avoid having to repair the environmental and health disaster" driven.

The International Court in The Hague will decide

Chevron for its part accuses the Ecuadorian justice 'fraud' videos in support, arguing that judges in charge of the case had even agreed pots bribes to condemn the company. He also believes that the responsibility for damage caused by Texaco's operations is the state oil company Petroecuador, a time combined with Texaco, which had already paid 40 million dollars to clean the affected area.
The group also received February 9 a positive decision of the Court of International Arbitration Hague , jurisdiction under a treaty US-Ecuador investment protection. The court ordered in this decision that the interim government of Ecuador to refrain from any trial run a condemnatory in the country or abroad until it had ruled on the merits.


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